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National Security: Back to the Future

by Jay Coghlan

More Information:


Nuke the Vote!

by Geoff Petrie

More Information:

Defense Authorization Act

  • Senate Text
  • Senate Voting
    • Click on the links on the left of the issue S.1050 to get the Senator's votes on particular amendments and the Act itself.
  • House Text
  • House Voting
    • Click on the links to the left of the issue H R 1588 to get the Representative's votes on particular amendments and the Act itself.

Senate Energy Bill

  • Text
  • Voting
    • Click on the links on the left of the issue S.14 to get the Senator's votes on particular amendments and the Act itself.

Money, and the Congress Members Who Love It

by Geoff Petrie

More Information:

What To Do

More Information:

Nuclear Watch of New Mexico

551 W. Cordova Rd. #808
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505.989.7342 - phone
505.989.7352 - fax
[email protected]
