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Trump's Nuclear Posture Review
Flashpoint: North Korea
Flashpoint: NATO-Russia
UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons
Plutonium Pit Production at LANL
B61-12 Enhanced Nuclear Bomb
LRSO: New Nuclear Cruise Missile
Kirtland AFB Nuclear Weapons Complex
MOX / Plutonium Disposition
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Nuke Lab Contractors Illegal Lobbying
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Weapons Complex Map
Nuclear Watch Interactive Map:
  U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex
- View full size

    Kansas City Plant
    Lawrence Livermore National Labs
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Nevada National Security Site
    Pantex Plant
    Sandia National Laboratories
    Savannah River Site
    Washington DC
    Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
    Y-12 National Security Complex

Follow the Money!

NNSA FY 2017 Budget Request
- Nuclear Watch Analysis/Compilation (PDF)

FY 2017 LANL
LANL FY 2017 Budget Request
Click to view full PDF incl. annotations

Lawrence Livermore FY 2017 Budget Request
Lawrence Livermore Lab FY 2017 budget chart
For Livermore Lab, Nuclear Weapons Activities still dominate the budget, increasing to over 86%.
Chart by Tri-Valley CARES

GAO: accounting problems at DoD so significant that a federal audit cannot be done. Read the January 17, 2013 GAO Report

Budget and Economic Information

NNSA FY 2019 Budget Request
- Nuclear Watch Analysis/Compilation (PDF)

LANL FY 2018 Budget Request
Click to view full PDF with annotations table
Note that the percentage of the LANL budget request for core nuclear weapons activities has risen to 70%.

FY 2017 Budget April 15, 2016:

NNSA FY 2017 Budget Request:
Nuclear Watch NM Compilation and Analysis

View/download the NukeWatch compilation and analysis (PDF)

Presentation on CBO's Projections of the Costs of U.S. Nuclear Forces, 2014 to 2023
by Michael Bennett, National Security Division, Congressional Budget Office 1/29/14
View/download the complete document (pdf)

New CBO Report Dec 20, 2013:
U.S. nuclear weapon plans to cost $355 billion over a decade
Reuters: The Obama administration's plans for the U.S. nuclear weapons complex, including modernization of bombs, delivery systems and laboratories, will cost the country about $355 billion over the next decade, nearly $150 billion more than the administration's $208.5 billion estimate in a report to Congress last year; since the modernization effort is just beginning, costs are expected to greatly increase after 2023. (read more) (View/download CBO report-PDF) (analysis: Are New Nuclear Weapons Affordable?)

FY 2015 LANL
LANL FY 2015 Budget Request
Click to view full PDF incl. annotations

NNSA FY 2015 Budget Request
- Nuclear Watch Analysis/Compilation (PDF)
- Nuclear Watch New Mexico's analysis (PDF)
- NNSA's FY 2015 budget

Recent posts, budget and economic issues:
Nukewatch Analysis: NNSA FY 2015 Budget Request
More analysis /critiques NNSA FY 2015 Budget

LANL FY 2014
LANL FY 2014: Click to enlarge (PDF)

NNSA FY 2014 Budget Request
View/download Nuclear Watch New Mexico's compilation of the National Nuclear Security Administration's FY 2014 budget request (PDF)- which in real terms includes a 16.7% increase for nuclear weapons programs over FY 2013 sequester levels, while funding for non-proliferation efforts is cut. Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, at an April 24, 2013 Senate hearing, said "The nonproliferation program has become the payer for the nuclear weapons program."
- View/download FY 2014 Budget Highlights and NWNM's Recommendations (PDF)
- View/download NWNM's budget breakdown charts (PDF) for:
  Los Alamos Lab / Lawrence Livermore Labs / Sandia Labs.
- DOE spends 10 times more on military nuclear activities than for energy conservation. See Robert Alvarez's breakdown of the DOE's FY 2014 Budget Request - View/download PDF
- New: Don Hancock of the Southwest Research and Information Center has produced a tabulation by DOE Environmental Management of FY 2013 and 2014 funding levels showing the effects of sequestration in FY 2013. (view/download PDF)


Dept of Energy: Budget Requests
  Justification & Supporting Docs
  FY 2005-FY2016

NukeWatch Analyses:
  FY 2017 NNSA Weapons Budget Request
  FY 2016 NNSA Weapons Budget Request
  FY 2015 NNSA Weapons Budget Request
  FY 2014 NNSA Weapons Budget Request
  FY 2013 NNSA Weapons Budget Request
  FY 2012 NNSA Weapons Budget Request
  FY 2011 NNSA Weapons Budget Request

NukeWatch FY 2014 breakdown charts:
  Los Alamos National Lab
  Lawrence Livermore Labs
  Sandia Labs

NukeWatch infographic:
  Fast-Rising Directors' Salaries at Weapons Labs

NNSA Admin Frank Klotz

Video, Senate hearing March 16:
Review of FY 2017 NNSA Budget Request
Testifying: General Frank Klotz, Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration, among others; questioning by Sens. Diane Feinstein, Lamar Alexander, Stewart Udall, and Lindsay Graham regarding the new nuclear cruise missile, dropping of the MOX facility in favor of "dilute and dispose" at WIPP, weapons-related v. non-proliferation funding, the modernization of nuclear forces and upgrades to the nuclear weapons labs. (Senate Committee on Appropriations- Energy and Water Development Subcommittee; Wednesday, March 16, 2016)


Chart of proposed Nuclear Weapons Budgets

Click to enlarge image

A chart of Energy Department Weapons Activities Budgets compared to the average spent during the Cold War. Is this the direction we want spending to go for Nuclear Weapons?
See our fact sheet for details -11/24/2010

Cost Comparison Debunks LANL's Outrageous Cleanup Estimate
Can it possibly cost $29 billion to clean up 51 acres? (That's $568.6 million per acre!) The answer is yes if the estimate comes from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
NukeWatch has run cost comparisons between the estimate for Area G and two other excavation projects at the Lab. At six acres, excavation of Materials Disposal Area B is almost complete, so we have hard costs. (It is around $22.7 million per acre.) An evaluation of Materials Disposal Area C was released this September. The estimated costs for excavation of the 11.8-acre site came out to be $66.7 million per acre. View the cost comparison

Donate Now

Please help us in our work to rid the world of the dangers of nuclear weapons by making a donation!

George Kennan "We have gone on piling weapon upon weapon, missile upon missile helplessly, almost involuntarily, like the victims of some sort of hypnosis, like men in a dream, like lemmings headed for the sea..."
- George Kennan, in 1981 (source)
Our Mission: Through comprehensive research, public education and effective citizen action, Nuclear Watch New Mexico seeks to promote safety and environmental protection at regional nuclear facilities, mission diversification away from nuclear weapons programs, greater accountability and cleanup in the nation-wide nuclear weapons complex, and consistent U.S. leadership toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Watch New Mexico is supported by the Ploughshares Fund: Investing in Peace and Security Worldwide, the Windfall Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation Donor Advised Grants, the New Mexico Community Foundation, and by generous donors like you. Thank You!

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Nuclear Watch of New Mexico
903 W. Alameda, #325
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505.989.7342 - phone and fax

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