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Weapons Complex Map
Nuclear Watch Interactive Map of the
Nuclear Weapons Complex
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    Kansas City Plant
    Lawrence Livermore National Labs
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Nevada National Security Site
    Pantex Plant
    Sandia National Laboratories
    Savannah River Site
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    Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
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Nuclear New Mexico

Nuclear New Mexico Map
Click to enlarge

Links for more information on map items:

Navajo Nation:
- A Tour of Abandoned Uranium Mines in Navajo Country and Beyond
- Cleaning Up Abandoned Uranium Mines
- Abandoned Uranium Mines Cleanup Gets $600 Million
- For The Navajo Nation, Uranium Mining's Deadly Legacy Lingers

Gasbuggy nuclear test / DOE Fact sheet

Church Rock Uranium Spill

Grants Mining District

Jackpile Open Pit Uranium Mine

Los Alamos Laboratory

Sandia National Labs

Kirtland AFB nuclear weapons complex
- Note there are some 2,500 nuclear weapons stored in Kirtland's underground munitions storage complex; just one of many nuclear weapons-related functions at the base. See more details here

Trinity Test site

White Sands Missile Range

Holtec Int'l: dry cask spent fuel storage technology

WIPP/ Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

GNOME: first nuclear test in Plowshare Program.

Urenco Uranium Enrichment Plant

Waste Control Specialists high-level waste dump
Docs: : WCS Discharge Permit Info

Danielle Brian, POGO"If you really want a future world free of nuclear weapons, you can hardly make a better investment than to give to Nuclear Watch New Mexico. They need and deserve your support so that they can carry on their groundbreaking work. I urge you to be generous with them!" - Danielle Brian, Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight.

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How you can help

General Omar Bradley on Nuclear Weapons "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." -Gen. Omar Bradley

Our Mission: Through comprehensive research, public education and effective citizen action, Nuclear Watch New Mexico seeks to promote safety and environmental protection at regional nuclear facilities, mission diversification away from nuclear weapons programs, greater accountability and cleanup in the nation-wide nuclear weapons complex, and consistent U.S. leadership toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Watch New Mexico is supported by the Ploughshares Fund: Investing in Peace and Security Worldwide, the Windfall Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation Donor Advised Grants, the New Mexico Community Foundation, and by generous donors like you. Thank You!

Website management:
Hosted by Studio X

Nuclear Watch of New Mexico
903 W. Alameda, #325
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505.989.7342 - phone and fax

How you can help