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B61-12 Enhanced Nuclear Bomb
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Weapons Complex Map
Nuclear Watch Interactive Map of the
Nuclear Weapons Complex
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    Kansas City Plant
    Lawrence Livermore National Labs
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Nevada National Security Site
    Pantex Plant
    Sandia National Laboratories
    Savannah River Site
    Washington DC
    Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
    Y-12 National Security Complex

Facility Spotlight:
At Y-12, the cost of designing the Uranium Processing Facility keeps spiraling: $92 million in '06, $2 billion by '16. (How do you spend 2 billion dollars designing anything?) - See OREPA's June '15 UPF update

- NNSA Cuts Los Alamos Lab's Award Fees by 90%
- DOE IG Report: Sandia Labs Misused Federal Funds
- Y-12: Poster Child For A Dysfunctional Nuclear
  Weapons Complex

ANA Map of nuclear risks USA
Click the image to download this large printable map of DOE sites, commercial reactors, nuclear waste dumps, nuclear transportation routes, surface waters near sites and transport routes, and underlying aquifers. This map was prepared by Deborah Reade for the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability.

"We see no reason why the pathway adopted for the elimination of other weapon systems, including for the elimination of both other types of WMD- that of a legally-binding prohibition- should not equally be applicable as a pathway for the elimination of nuclear weapons. There is no need to reinvent the wheel in order for the international community to move forward: the standard route used in relation to the abolition of other weapon systems... should again be followed."
Statement by the New Zealand delegation to the UN Open Ended Working Group on Nuclear Disarmament, 23 February, 2016 [link]

The War That Must Never Be Fought
George P. Shultz, Former U.S. Secretary of State and James Goodby, Former Vice Chairman, U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks; Co-editors of "The War That Must Never Be Fought" at the Commonwealth Club, June 17, 2015. Moderator: Terry Gamble Boyer, Board of Directors, Ploughshares Fund.

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International Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons

Dec. 8-9, 2014:
Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
Vienna Conference Statements:
"As long as nuclear weapons exist, the risk of their use by design, miscalculation or madness, technical or human error, remains real. Nuclear weapons, therefore, continue to bear an unacceptable risk to humanity and to all life on earth. Any use of nuclear weapons could cause gravest humanitarian emergencies and have catastrophic global consequences on the environment, climate, health, social order, human development and the economy...
"This increased focus on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons is an important development and has a positive and uniting effect on international discussions about nuclear weapons. The more the international community discusses and understands the scale of these consequences and of the risks involved, the clearer the case and the stronger the sense of urgency become for the elimination of nuclear weapons."
- Report and Summary of Findings of the Conference: (view/download PDF)
- Vienna Conference Official Website
- Twitter hashtag: HINW14vienna. Also, the Global Tweetmap
- Video of discussion/general debate at Youtube- 4 parts, 7+hrs total

Austria Delivered the "Austrian Pledge":
"Austria pledges to cooperate with all relevant stakeholders, States, International Organizations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements, parliamentarians and civil society, in efforts to stigmatize, prohibit, and eliminate nuclear weapons, in light of their unacceptable humanitarian consequences and associated risks..."
(view/download Pledge PDF)

Reaching Critical Will report on the Vienna Conference: Filling the Gap: Report On The Third Conference On The Humanitarian Impact Of Nuclear Weapons

Why should we care what happens in Vienna?
What can we expect from next week's international conference on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons in Vienna? And why does it matter?
UNIDIR / ILPI / Effective Measures

US Announces It Will Attend the Vienna Conference
"The United States will attend the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons this December. Following a careful review of the agenda, as well as discussions with the conference host Austria, the United States concluded there were real prospects for constructively engagement with conference participants..." - U.S. State Dept. Nov 7, 2014

NPT PrepCon Geneva:
Joint Statement On The Humanitarian Impact Of Nuclear Weapons

Delivered by Ambassador Abdul Samad Minty of South Africa on behalf of 74 countries at the Non-Proliferation Treaty PrepCom in Geneva, Switzerland, April 24, 2013. (Full text)
NPT PrepCon Geneva Joint Statement "Our countries are deeply concerned about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. While this has been known since nuclear weapons were first developed and is reflected in various UN resolutions and multilateral instruments, it has not been at the core of nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation deliberations for many years. Although it constitutes the raison d'tre of the NPT, which cautions against the "devastation that would be visited upon all mankind by a nuclear war and the consequent need to make every effort to avert the danger of such a war and to take measures to safeguard the security of peoples", this issue has consistently been ignored in the discourse on nuclear weapons...
"It is in the interest of the very survival of humanity that nuclear weapons are never used again, under any circumstances. The catastrophic effects of a nuclear weapon detonation, whether by accident, miscalculation or design, cannot be adequately addressed. All efforts must be exerted to eliminate this threat. The only way to guarantee that nuclear weapons will never be used again is through their total elimination. It is a shared responsibility of all States to prevent the use of nuclear weapons, to prevent their vertical and horizontal proliferation and to achieve nuclear disarmament, including through fulfilling the objectives of the NPT and achieving its universality. The full implementation of the 2010 Action Plan and previous outcomes aimed at achieving the objectives of the NPT must therefore not be postponed any further.
"Addressing the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons is an absolute necessity. As an element that underpins the NPT, it is essential that the humanitarian consequences inform our work and actions during the current Review Cycle and beyond.
"This is an issue that affects not only governments, but each and every citizen of our interconnected world. By raising awareness about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons, civil society has a crucial role to play, side-by-side with governments, as we fulfill our responsibilities. We owe it to future generations to work together to rid our world of the threat posed by nuclear weapons." (Full text)

Nayarit Conference: Momentum Building Toward a Nuclear Weapons Ban

Second International Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, Nayarit Mexico Feb. 2014 February, 2014: Delegates from 146 nations gathered in Nayarit, Mexico, for the Second International Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, hosted by the Mexican Government. The nations at the Nayarit Conference include most of the European Union and NATO states and the UK's Commonwealth and Non-Proliferation Treaty partners from Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. The 5 original nuclear powers, the US, the UK, Russia, France and China did not attend.
Ray Acheson of the ICAN International Steering Group said in her closing statement:
"Those countries that have renounced nuclear weapons- the overwhelming majority- have made the right decision for the security of their countries and their populations and for the survival of life on Earth. Those same countries have the opportunity now to advance not only the humanitarian agenda but also our human future by negotiating a treaty banning nuclear weapons.
"The claim by some states that they continue to need these weapons to deter their adversaries has been exposed by the evidence presented at this conference and in Oslo as a reckless and unsanctionable gamble with our future... Unless we act, nuclear weapons will be used, either by accident, design, or miscalculation. The only questions are when, where, and how many.
"We would welcome the participation of the nuclear-armed states. But most of them have demonstrated their unwillingness to constructively engage let alone lead in such a process.
"History shows that legal prohibitions of weapon systems- their possession as well as their use- facilitate their elimination. Weapons that have been outlawed increasingly become seen as illegitimate. They lose their political status and, along with it, the money and resources for their production, modernization, proliferation, and perpetuation.
"...Nuclear weapon-free states are calling for a new approach. The call for a ban on nuclear weapons overcomes the dilemma posed by placing the onus on the nuclear-armed states to lead a process for nuclear disarmament.
"Ridding the world of nuclear weapons will take courage. It will take leadership by states free of nuclear weapons. Show that leadership and you will have the support of civil society. It is time. It is time to change the status quo. It is time we ban nuclear weapons." (ref)
Conference Resources:
Chair's summary
Statements and Presentations
Civil society and the humanitarian impact, presentation of Beatrice Fihn
ICAN statement, delivered by Ray Acheson
International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Reaching Critical Will
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Official Conference Websites

- Official Website Vienna Conference (Dec. 2014)
- Official Website Nayarit Conference (Feb 2014).
- Official Website Oslo Conference (March 2013)

IPPNW presentation explains why a medical response to the use of nuclear weapons would be impossible.

IPPNW Campaign Kit on Humanitarian Impacts
"The purpose of this kit is to provide ICAN campaigners- and all others working to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons- with the essential facts about the blast, burn, and radiation effects of nuclear weapons; the devastation they wreak upon the environment; and the inability of physicians to reach and treat the surviving victims of nuclear war; in language that is accessible, understandable, repeatable and, we hope, persuasive." (more)

"Unlike the other weapons of mass destruction - chemical and biological weapons - nuclear weapons are not yet subject to an explicit legal prohibition. Now is the time to address this anomaly, which has been allowed to persist for far too long...
"Despite all this evidence about the horror, instability, and injustice generated by nuclear weapons, some insist that we will not see their elimination in our lifetime. That depends on whether we are willing to accept the risk we live with today. Unless we act, nuclear weapons will be used, either by accident, design, or miscalculation. The only questions are when, where, and how many." - ICAN's Ray Acheson; closing statement.

Don't Bank on the Bomb 2015
View/download Report PDF

click to enlarge
April 11, 2016:
Cambridge Divests $1 Billion From Nukes Following Grassroots Campaign
Above: Cambridge Mayor Denise Simmons, MIT's Max Tegmark, Lucas Perry, Susi Snyder, Former Secretary of Defense William Perry, and Dr. Jonathan King after the public announcement of the Cambridge nuclear divestment plan. (ref)

Vice Admiral Ralph Weymouth "The whole pyramid of nuclear command is full of places where mistakes can be made. A lot of them are people mistakes- the system is so sophisticated, and the weapons so complicated, much of it covered with secrecy, that a human error can occur almost anywhere in the system."
-Vice Admiral Ralph Weymouth (Ret.) (ref)

Current nuclear stockpiles- for country reports and other details see original annotated infographic at

World Nuclear Arsenals

General Omar Bradley on Nuclear Weapons "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." -Gen. Omar Bradley

Our Mission: Through comprehensive research, public education and effective citizen action, Nuclear Watch New Mexico seeks to promote safety and environmental protection at regional nuclear facilities, mission diversification away from nuclear weapons programs, greater accountability and cleanup in the nation-wide nuclear weapons complex, and consistent U.S. leadership toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Watch New Mexico is supported by the Ploughshares Fund: Investing in Peace and Security Worldwide, the Windfall Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation Donor Advised Grants, New Mexico Community Foundation, and by generous donors like you. Thank You!

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Hosted by Studio X

Nuclear Watch of New Mexico
903 W. Alameda, #325
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505.989.7342 - phone and fax

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