Extracts From the Area G Corrective Measures Evaluation Report

The Corrective Measures Evaluation Report for Material Disposal Area G, Consolidated Unit 54-013(b)-99, at Technical Area 54, Revision 3 was released in September 2011. It’s document numbers are ERID-206324, LA-UR-11-4910, and EP2011-0284. This is the document where LANL states its preference to leave the one million cubic meters of radioactive and hazardous waste buried in place at the Lab at Area G.

The full document is available at LANL’s Electronic Reading Room site (download doc)
WARNING It is 153MB! (If you have trouble downloading the full document from the LANL site, which is often the case, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

To help make things a bit more accessible and manageable, NukeWatch is providing outtakes from the Area G Corrective Measures Evaluation Report:

– Inventories of the pits and shafts. (PDF 244kb)
This outtake lists the Area G Subsurface Disposal Unit Information for the Pits and the Shafts. It’s a good history of what is known about the wastes, and lists the dimensions of the pits and shafts, giving a good picture of the size of the problem.

– Total Excavated and Inventories of the Pits (PDF 139kb)

– Geologic Cross sections from under Area G. (PDF 7.4mb)
This gives the locations of regional and intermediate wells in the vicinity of Area G and the lines of section for geologic cross-sections of the complex ground under Area G. Of particular interest is cross-section A-A’ (Figure E-2.1-2), that shows an unknown vertical feature discovered when Well R-22 was drilled. Check out the vertical red feature with the question mark that intersects R-22. This gives an idea of how complicated the geology and how many questions that are still unanswered.

– The breakout of the $29 billion estimate to remove the waste. (PDF 66kb)
This includes $9.7 billion in “Contingency” and $7 billion in “Professional Management”

PU at Depth, Area G, Los Alamos
Plutonium found at 240′ below surface at Area G-
Moving toward aquifer
Map: Radionuclides (pCi/g) detected above background values in subsurface tuff at MDA G click to open-

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