Thank you for your interest in making a tax-deductible donation to Nuclear Watch New Mexico.
Your contribution will help us continue our nationally and internationally acclaimed watchdogging and reporting efforts.
Please use the Network For Good link below to make secure online donations; you will receive a receipt and reply for your accounting and tax purposes.

Anna Hansen, Santa Fe County District 2 Commissioner, commented,
“We, the residents of Santa Fe County, City, and the State of New Mexico, are fortunate to have organizations like Nuclear Watch New Mexico...Nuclear Watch NM is working to protect the residents of our communities from the dangers of the nuclear, toxic and hazardous wastes that have been generated by LANL over nearly 80 years of operations. I am grateful to Nuclear Watch for their leadership, persistence, and efforts to protect the public from the dangers that DOE creates every day at LANL.” March 2022
Donate Through Network For Good!
You will see "Southwest Research and Information Center" (our fiscal agent) at the top. After filling in the form please designate "Nukewatch" or "Nuclear Watch" in the field titled "Designation". (Right below the "Donation Preferences" and "Privacy Preferences").
Why does it say Southwest Research and Information Center on the secure form? The Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC) of Albuquerque, NM, a 501(c)3 organization, is the fiscal agent for Nuclear Watch. SRIC performs all of our bookkeeping and accounting, including an annual certified audit that captures our fiscal activities; we are a project of SRIC and utilize their online donation service provider, Network for Good. Your contributions are tax-deductible.
Donate Through Mail
If you wish to send your donation by mail, please make your check out to "Southwest Research and Information Center" (our fiscal agent), and note on the memo line "NukeWatch".
Our mailing address is:
903 W. Alameda #325,
Santa Fe, NM 87501
We will quickly reply to your mailed contribution with a thank you letter that you may use, come tax time, as a record of your donation to a non-profit organization.
Thank You! We are very grateful for your contribution and hope we can count on your future support.
We encourage you to take the opportunity to stay informed about our work by frequenting our web site for its wealth of information and to read or subscribe to our mailing list! And click here to see more about who we are!