(ABC NEWS) Plan to discharge water into Hudson River from closed nuclear plant sparks uproar; (Spectrum News 1) Legislature approves bill to prohibit disposal of nuclear wastewater in Hudson River

The Indian Point nuclear plant along the Hudson River is at the center of a controversy two years after it was shut down

ABC NEWS – ByMICHAEL HILL Associated Press | June 20, 2023 abcnews.go.com

The latest flashpoint revolves around plans to release 1.3 million gallons of water with traces of radioactive tritium into the river as part of the plant’s decommissioning.

Leg­is­lature approves bill to prohibit disposal of nuclear waste­water in Hudson River

Hudson River

The Legislature passed a bill that would prevent the dumping of nuclear wastewater into the Hudson River. (Spectrum News 1)

SPECTRUM NEWS 1, BY HUDSON VALLEY | June 20, 2023 spectrumlocalnews.com

Santosh Nandabalan, a senior organizer for the environmental group Food & Water Watch, said new legislation that would halt the dumping of all radiological wastewater into the Hudson River is critical to preserving one of the state’s most important ecological features.

“It is a huge threat not only to that water, but to the local communities along the river,” he said. “Then, there’s a vibrant economy that’s linked to this river, which would take a massive hit if that dumping went forward.”

The bill is a response to a plan by Holtec that would dispose of about 300,000 gallons of wastewater into the Hudson in September…

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