Operations at Plutonium Facility stood down due to fire suppression system
In the latest of a string of fire system deficiencies on Wednesday September 30th, LANL management declared the fire suppression system inoperable in PF-4 at TA-55. Facility activities were placed in stand-by mode, which were still stood down as of three weeks later on Oct. 23rd. DNFSB explained that the stand down was based on... Continue reading→
(Un)Reliable Replacement Rationale
The rationale for the new Kansas City Plant was originally predicated upon extensive production of new Reliable Replacement Warheads and Life Extension Programs involving existing nuclear weapons numbering in the 1,000’s. Continue reading→
Los Alamos Director Anastasio’s Two Hats
Apparently the National Nuclear Security Administration reimburses Los Alamos National Security LLC (LANS) $397,341 for LANL Director Anastasio’s salary. Then LANS LLC pays him another $400K to promote the NNSA agenda from which LANS LLC derives a profit. During all this time Anastasio also acts as President of the for profit LANS (for which he gets a combined total of $800K). Continue reading→
Weapons Lab Director Paid Double the Salary of Nobel Peace Prize-Winning President Obama
Santa Fe, NM – On December 10 President Barack Obama will receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway for his beginning efforts to abolish nuclear weapons. The President is paid $400,000 a year for running the country. Michael Anastasio, the Director of the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab in northern New Mexico, is paid... Continue reading→
Hikers, dogs found inside the fence
Summary Report of Occurrences Reviewed From October 26 – 30, 2009 Near Miss – • NA – Los Alamos National Laboratory (Significance Category 3). On October 22, a Water Quality sampling crew discovered two hikers with three dogs at Technical Area 68 (TA-68) during High Explosive (HE) Operations. The hikers were instructed to exit DOE...
Los Alamos – Plutonium Center of Negligence
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) reveals public safety vulnerability and seismic issues at TA-55 (The Lab’s plutonium Technical Area). Continue reading→