Faulty ventilation seal caused radioactive leak at LANL

An improperly sealed ventilation system caused the radioactive leak that contaminated three workers at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s plutonium facility earlier this year, requiring one of the employees to receive...

The Need for Independent Pit Aging Studies

June 16, 2022 | FACT SHEETS Summary: The United States is aggressively expanding the production of plutonium “pit” bomb cores to at least 80 pits per year, which the Pentagon...

New Mexico: Work for Peace, Not Nuclear Weapons

 “Let’s try to imagine what $9.4 billion could do for New Mexicans in one year: hire hundreds of new teachers, help protect us against increasing wildfire threats, secure precious water...

LANL would get over $1B bump in proposed budget

BY SCOTT WYLAND, THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN | April 20, 2022 santafenewmexican.com Apr 20, 2022 — The Los Alamos lab’s plutonium modernization funding would climb to $1.56 billion from this year’s $1...

Two more radioactive releases reported at LANL

A lab critic said he’s concerned about flaws in worker training, equipment and inspections contributing to glove box breaches as LANL gears up for producing plutonium pits for warhead triggers....

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