The Time for Nuclear Disarmament is Now

“We need nuclear arms control, not an escalating nuclear arms race.” Santa Fe New Mexican: MY VIEW JOHN C. WESTER | By John C. Wester | January 15, 2022  In...

US Archbishop Warns of New Nuclear Arms Race

Archbishop of Santa Fe in New Mexico: [Nuclear] Armament a “diabolical spiral” Source (Translated from German): | January 13, 2022  WASHINGTON, 01/13/2022 (KAP) The Catholic Archbishop of Santa Fe, New...

Spent Fuel: The Risky Resurgence of Nuclear Power

[Letter from Washington] “In the face of escalating alarm about climate change, the siren song of “clean and affordable and reliable” power finds an audience eager to overlook a business...

Will Construction be Delayed on the New Shaft at WIPP?

“The Environment Department “should be equally considerate towards the judicial review process as it was in the administrative permit modification process, to ensure the courts have sufficient time to review...

Archbishop calls for nuclear disarming

At least 125 people were present for the service, many bearing roses in honor of the Lady of Guadalupe. Among them was Karen Weber, who said it’s “highly symbolic” for...

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