Nuclear Watch Work Product
Chronological – 2013 to Date 2018 November 16, 2018 Fact Sheet Expanded Plutonium Pit Production for U.S. Nuclear Weapons Plutonium pits are the radioactive cores or “triggers” of nuclear weapons. Their...
Chronological – 2013 to Date 2018 November 16, 2018 Fact Sheet Expanded Plutonium Pit Production for U.S. Nuclear Weapons Plutonium pits are the radioactive cores or “triggers” of nuclear weapons. Their...
– The Department of Energy’s Order 140.1 Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board is misguided and likely illegal because it acts contrary to the Board’s 1988 enabling legislation....
Work Product Nuclear Watch Chronological 2013 to Date
OCTOBER 18, 2018 NNSA Review of UPF Compounds Legal Violations, Environmental Groups Say BY EXCHANGE MONITOR A September review by the Department of Energy compounded the agency’s alleged transgressions of...
NUKEWATCH WORK PRODUCT NUKEWATCH MEDIA Atomic Histories & Nuclear Testing VIEW OUR RICH ARCHIVE OF NUCLEAR NEWS ARTICLES HERE LANL's Central Mission: Los Alamos Lab officials have recently claimed that LANL has...
Description and Current Mission Although there have been no completely new weapon designs assembled since 1991, technicians at Pantex continue to disassemble and reassemble existing weapons in connection with NNSA...
The first nuclear weapon test was carried out by the United States at the Trinity site on July 16, 1945, with a yield approximately equivalent to 20 kilotons. The first...
A Glossary of Commonly Used Nuclear-related Acronyms ABM Treaty 1972. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. One of the first treaties of the Cold War, limiting both the US and the USSR to...
Other Nuke Watches (we are NukeWatch NM) Nukewatch NukeWatch South National/International Abolition 2000 Alliance For Nuclear Accountability (NWNM is proud to be a member of this organization) Alsos digital Library...
Update June 8, 2018: The Ten Year Site Plans have been removed from the NNSA server. We don't yet know if NNSA intends to violate the stipulated order (see below)...
2023 Performance Evaluation Reports: Kansas City National Security Campus Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory ("Triad National Security") Nevada National Security Site Pantex and Y-12 National Security Complex/Pantex...
NUKEWATCH WORK PRODUCT NUKEWATCH MEDIA Atomic Histories & Nuclear Testing VIEW OUR RICH ARCHIVE OF NUCLEAR NEWS ARTICLES HERE LANL's Central Mission: Los Alamos Lab officials have recently claimed that LANL has...
LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LAB CLEANUP LAWSUIT Nuke Watch New Mexico filed a lawsuit against Los Alamos National Labs and DOE in January of 2016. This lawsuit is over LANL and...
The Pentagon considers eight projects part of its nuclear modernization budget: new ICBMs, cruise missiles, updates to submarine-launched missiles, a new stealth bomber, new strategic submarines, updates to existing gravity...
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced on Friday, March 23, that it was authorizing the start of construction of the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) and two sub-projects at the...
Late Friday February 23 the Trump Administration released the detailed FY 2019 budget for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the semi-autonomous nuclear weapons agency within the federal Department of...
Courage, Resistance, and Existential Peril in the Nuclear Age By Dan Zak, reviewed by Kai Bird “Zak’s narrative is a perfectly measured blend of biography, suspense and history. He skillfully...
Lawsuit aims to halt Uranium Processing Facility construction to review earthquake risks Brittany Crocker, USA TODAY NETWORK – Tennessee Published 11:00 a.m. ET July 28, 2017 Prior to this lawsuit,...
Public Interest Organizations File Lawsuit Against New Nuclear Bomb Plant July 20, 2017 Contact: Jay Coghlan, NWNM, 505.989.7342, c. 505.470.3154, jay[at] Washington, DC – Today, the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace...
Washington, DC Today, the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA), Nuclear Watch New Mexico, and the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a federal lawsuit to stop construction of the problem-plagued...
America is at a crossroads, having to choose between an unnecessarily large, exorbitant, nuclear weapons stockpile, and cleanup that would protect the environment and water resources for future generations. Expanded...
Cite Worker And Public Risks, New Seismic Information “The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance and Nuclear Watch New Mexico today released a letter to Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz calling...
Buried in the just released NNSA FY 2015 Performance Evaluation Report (PER) for Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC (the combined contract for Pantex and Y-12 run by Lockheed Martin and Bechtel)...
Lockheed Martin manages the Nevada National Security Site, Sandia National Laboratories, together with Bechtel The Y-12 National Security Site, and the Pantex Plant in Texas. Last fall, Washington Business Journal reported that...