SFCC, Los Alamos lab join to offer machinist program

BY DILLION MULLIN | santafenewmexican.com Santa Fe Community College and Los Alamos National Laboratory announced last week a new collaboration to revamp the college’s machinist program. With the campus providing...

Energy Dept. Nearly Triples Funding for Plutonium Pit Production, Cuts Cleanup in Half – But Refuses to Complete New Env. Impact Statement for Los Alamos Lab

Santa Fe, NM – Today the Department of Energy’s semi-autonomous nuclear weapons agency, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), announced that it will not complete a new site-wide environmental impact...

Los Alamos National Lab

Description and Current Mission The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), located in north-central New Mexico, was founded during World War II as a secret laboratory for the Manhattan Project. This...

Los Alamos Cleanup Lawsuit

2019 March 12, 2019  Lawsuit Advances Against Los Alamos National Laboratory Management Potential Penalties Over $272,000,000  

Los Alamos National Lab Cleanup

NukeWatch advocates for comprehensive cleanup at LANL over the Lab's proposed "cap and cover" approach to the more than 200,000 cubic yards of toxic and radioactive waste permanently buried in...

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