LANL Records String of Radioactive Glove Box Breaches

“…A nuclear watchdog group decried this series of breaches, arguing they reflect a systemic problem that’s likely to grow worse as plutonium activity increases with pit production. “‘It’s just indicative...

NukeWatch in the Media (2018 & Past)

2018 Media NMED And EM-LA Present FY2019 Legacy Cleanup Priorities In Community Meeting Los Alamos Reporter, Dec 1, 2018, By Marie O’Neill Under public comment, Jay Coghlan, director of Nuclear...


NUKEWATCH WORK PRODUCT NUKEWATCH MEDIA Atomic Histories & Nuclear Testing LANL's Central Mission: Los Alamos Lab officials have recently claimed that LANL has moved away from primarily nuclear weapons to "national...

LANL plume cleanup halted due to water concerns

Milestones to meet in the coming year are to work on three monitoring wells and complete two reports, said Scott Kovac, Nuclear Watch New Mexico’s operations director. He called the...

Santa Fe Reporter Letter to the Editor: March 15

Cover, March 15: “The Foilies” Notorious LANL delays Concerning the article “presenting the nationwide look at the last year’s most terrible transparency,” the Santa Fe Reporter could have stayed home and reported on...

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