Watchdogs Urge Reduced Contractor Fees at the Los Alamos Lab
Watchdogs Urge Reduced Contractor Fees at the Los Alamos Lab Washington, DC and Santa Fe, NM – Today, the Project On Government Oversight and Nuclear Watch New Mexico...
Watchdogs Urge Reduced Contractor Fees at the Los Alamos Lab Washington, DC and Santa Fe, NM – Today, the Project On Government Oversight and Nuclear Watch New Mexico...
Background: The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in north central New Mexico was originally founded during World War II as the secret atomic weapons lab for the Manhattan Project. This...
Los Alamos Rated Easiest County to Live in The team at The Upshot, a NYTimes news and data-analysis venture, compiled six basic metrics to give a picture of the quality and...
Los Alamos Budget is 65% Nuclear Weapons There are people who don’t realize that there still are nuclear weapons in the world. There are those who don’t realize that Los...
Santa Fe Mayor Calls to Not Allow the Creation of a Permanent Nuclear Waste Dump at Los Alamos Santa Fe, NM – Nuclear Watch New Mexico applauds the demand by the Mayor...
The New Mexican has just published “New ideas, technologies from LANL could boost region’s economy” on how the Lab wants to “rebrand” itself. I posted the following response on the newspaper’s...
Obama Calls For Further Nuclear Weapons Reductions While Increased Production and New Facilities at Los Alamos Are Still On the Table On June 19, in Berlin, President Barack Obama declared...
Nuclear Watch New Mexico had been independently compiling data on the salaries of the three laboratory directors, as presented in the table below. It shows that the salary of the Los Alamos Director has nearly tripled since for-profit management began in June 2006, even as the Lab is cutting some 600 jobs. As seen in the chart below, privatization of the nuclear weapons labs’ management contracts has resulted in directors’ salaries far above average in both the federal government and the private sector.
Apparently the National Nuclear Security Administration reimburses Los Alamos National Security LLC (LANS) $397,341 for LANL Director Anastasio’s salary. Then LANS LLC pays him another $400K to promote the NNSA agenda from which LANS LLC derives a profit. During all this time Anastasio also acts as President of the for profit LANS (for which he gets a combined total of $800K).
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) reveals public safety vulnerability and seismic issues at TA-55 (The Lab’s plutonium Technical Area).
“‘Los Alamos National Laboratory must now immediately get to work and fill the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant with legacy waste. All excuses have been voided,’ [NMED Secretary] Kenney said. ‘This...
The federal agency and the lab also have resisted conducting public reviews of pit production, though mishaps and safety infractions are likely to grow more frequent, said Jay Coghlan, executive...
Russell Contreras | Hispanics and Mescalero Apache tribal members in New Mexico this month are marking the anniversary of the 1945 Trinity Test — an experiment resulting in health...
A May 22 Washington Post story reported that in mid-May top national security officials discussed resumption of full-scale US nuclear explosive testing. The next day, the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate...
The contractor that’s been in charge of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s operations for the past year lost track of 250 barrels of waste, while the company heading the legacy cleanup...
In a recent report, the Department Of Energy’s Office of Inspector General (IG) found issues with the way Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) keeps track of controlled substances such as...
From Tom Clements of SRS Watch, our colleague and fellow member of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability: DOE Sites Partially or Fully Closed: the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Pantex &...
Putin clearly cannot be trusted, but this article is very one sided. First, it is alarmist to say Putin is “adding” 40 ICBMs. Instead, Russia is replacing old ones and,...
Today’s New York Times has a very relevant article for those concerned about biolabs at National Nuclear Security Administration sites (i.e., Los Alamos and Livermore Labs). The money quote: “Dr....
LANL loses track of nuclear materials Plutonium operations placed in standby mode In an April 20, 2012 report, the Safety Board charged with oversight of defense nuclear facilities reported...
We’re lucky in that it appears Los Alamos Lab has dodged the bullet with respect to the Las Conchas Fire, but I do want to say something about 100,000 acres...
KOB TV 4 broke the story and is still has the only account as best as I can tell. Read report and see video here. Los Alamos National Laboratory sent...
Public interest groups will hold a press conference for a major announcement of a forthcoming legal action as the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration forge ahead with plans to drastically expand production of plutonium pits, the cores of nuclear weapons, at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina and the Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico.
Although shutting down LANL would almost make up for the shortage in gas affecting northern New Mexico, it is not quite that equitable. LANL and the Los Alamos town site have their own dedicated gas pipeline coming from the NW San Juan Basin, in New Mexico. Whereas Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Espanola, Taos etc are fed natural gas from the Permian Basin gas fields in Texas. Therefore it is questionable that curtailing operations (which cost taxpayers ~$6 million/per day) at LANL helps to relieve gas supplies in northern New Mexican communities.
“Nuclear Watch New Mexico hosted a workshop on February 6 on the newly released Draft Sitewide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to present information and elicit...